Small Space Exercises: Tips for Working Out in Your Starter Home

Well-planned routine in small spaces

Exercising in a small space might seem like a challenge, but with the right mindset and a well-planned routine, you can turn even the most compact area into a personal gym. Small space exercises offer the perfect opportunity to focus on key muscle groups without the need for fancy equipment.

Whether you’re doing bodyweight training, such as push-ups or forward lunges, or integrating strength training exercises using light weights, you can still build muscle mass, burn calories, and improve overall fitness in a limited space.

Simple movements like bodyweight squats—with your feet shoulder-width apart—effectively target your lower body, while push-ups engage multiple major muscle groups, from your chest to your core. Ensuring proper form, such as keeping your legs straight and your knees bent when necessary, is key to getting the most out of these exercises.

For example, during planks, maintaining a straight line from head to heels not only strengthens your core but also improves posture and reduces blood pressure. Incorporating interval training with shorter rest periods can further enhance results, increasing stamina while toning.

By embracing unilateral training, such as forward lunges, you can also improve balance and coordination, all while using minimal space. Whether you’re doing a brisk walk in place or completing a series of bodyweight workouts like push-ups, pull up, lunges, and planks, a few square feet is all you need to work on every major muscle group.

This blog will guide you through practical, effective small space exercises to help you maximize your workouts and achieve your fitness goals, and effectively improve life quality, even in the tightest areas.

How Much Space Do You Need for Exercise?

Planning a good workout

Improve fitness level within tight spaces

When planning a good workout at home, the first concern is usually space. But how much room do you really need for effective workouts? Fortunately, in most cases, just a few square feet is enough to get in a good workout and improve your fitness level.

If you can extend your arms shoulder-width apart without hitting anything, you have sufficient room for some of the best exercises like jumping jacks, squats, or even a side plank. Small spaces can easily accommodate a range of exercises by being creative with your body movements and using compact equipment like resistance bands or weights.

Small Spaces, Big Results

Even in small spaces, you can effectively build muscle and burn more calories. For instance, exercises like push-ups, where your hands are placed shoulder-width apart, or lunges, where you take a big step forward with your front foot, require minimal room but offer a full-body workout.

You can also try exercises like pull-ups if you have access to a bar, or a side plank to target your core—none of which take up much space but still provide substantial benefits for your muscles.

Start with a Proper Warm-Up

Always begin your routine with a warm-up—even a simple brisk walk in place can do the job. Warming up gets your blood flowing and prepares your muscles for the workout ahead.

Keeping your body in a neutral position and paying attention to your form is key for all fitness levels, whether you’re a beginner or more advanced.

Maximize Your Space

Some exercises like jumping jacks or bodyweight squats require only enough space to keep your feet hip-width or shoulder-width apart and are effective for both improving fitness levels and burning calories.

With the right combination of bodyweight and strength training exercises, along with compact equipment, you can perform a variety of workouts that will help you build muscle and improve your overall fitness—all without stepping foot in a gym.

Small Space Workouts

Planning a good workout

Small space exercises are perfect for targeting multiple muscle groups without the need for a large workout area. Whether you’re focusing on strength training exercises or bodyweight training, these movements will help you build muscle mass, improve endurance, and burn calories, all within the comfort of your home.

Here are some simple yet effective bodyweight workouts that require minimal room but provide maximum results:

Bodyweight Squats

Squat exercise at home

Squats are a fantastic bodyweight exercise for strengthening your lower body, specifically the legs and glutes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself as if sitting back into a chair. Keep your chest up and ensure your knees are bent and in line with your toes.

This move activates major muscle groups and requires only the space around you, making it ideal for small areas.


Upper-body push-ups for chest, triceps, shoulders, and core.

One of the most effective bodyweight exercises for your upper body, push-ups work your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Begin in a starting position—a plank with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder width. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the ground, then push up back to the starting position.

Keeping your legs straight throughout helps maintain proper form. Push-ups are ideal for building strength in small spaces since they require only enough room to stretch your body out lengthwise.


Planks for full-body strength training move for core

Planks are an excellent full-body strength training move that engages your core, arms, and legs. Start in a forearm plank with your body in a straight line from head to heels. Keep your feet flat and hold the position for as long as you can.

This simple exercise, performed on a small strip of floor space, is highly effective for core stability.


Lunges exercise for quads, hamstrings, and glutes

Forward lunges target the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, making them great for unilateral training in small spaces. Step forward with one leg, ensuring your front foot is flat on the ground and your hips lower until both knees are bent at 90 degrees.

Alternate legs and perform lunges in place or down a narrow hallway for a lower body workout that requires minimal room.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks for raising heart rate and burning calories

A cardio favorite, jumping jacks raise your heart rate and burn more calories while improving endurance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then jump while spreading your arms and legs wide. This full-body exercise can be done almost anywhere, making it a staple for small space exercises.

High Knees

High knees are perfect for cardio in small spaces.

High knees are perfect for cardio in small spaces. Running in place while driving your knees up to your chest engages your core, improves cardiovascular fitness, and requires little room.

Maintain proper form by keeping your feet flat and moving at a brisk pace to get the most out of this movement.


Burpees combine cardio and strength training.

For a full-body interval training exercise that takes up minimal space, burpees are unbeatable. Start from a standing starting position, drop into a squat, kick your feet back into a plank, perform a push-up, and jump back to your feet.

Burpees combine cardio and strength training, offering a comprehensive workout in a small area.

Wall Sits

Wall sits for lower body exercise.

If you have a clear wall, wall sits are a great lower body exercise. Slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground, and hold the position.

This is a powerful move for your quads and glutes, providing an isometric strength training challenge without needing extra room.

Yoga or Pilates

Both yoga and pilates emphasize stretching, flexibility, and core strength

Both yoga and Pilates emphasize stretching, flexibility, and core strength, making them ideal for small spaces. Most poses or exercises only require a mat-sized area, which can easily fit into a corner of your room.

These practices are also great for reducing blood pressure and improving overall body control.

Targeting Important Muscle Groups

Bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges work on your lower body

Even in small spaces, you can target all the essential muscle groups in your body. Bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges work on your lower body, while push-ups and planks target your upper body and core.

By alternating between upper and lower body workouts, you can ensure a well-rounded fitness routine. Incorporating full-body movements such as burpees also helps engage multiple muscle groups at once, maximizing your workout time.

Consider These Strength Training Exercises

Strength training

Incorporating strength training into your routine doesn’t have to involve a trip to the gym or the use of large, space-consuming equipment. Even in a small living space, you can achieve effective strength-building workouts with just a few compact tools.

Items like resistance bands, dumbbells, or kettlebells are excellent alternatives to bulky machines, offering a versatile range of exercises that target multiple muscle groups while taking up minimal room.

Here are some simple yet powerful strength training exercises you can perform in your compact living area:

Resistance Band Rows

Perfect for building strength in your back and arms, resistance band rows mimic the pulling motion of a rowing machine but with a far more space-efficient setup. You can anchor the resistance band to a door or sturdy piece of furniture, pull the handles toward your body, and engage your upper back and biceps.

This exercise not only strengthens your muscles but also improves posture, especially if you spend long hours sitting at a desk.

Dumbbell Presses

If you’re aiming to tone and strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps, the dumbbell press is an ideal exercise. All you need are a pair of dumbbells and enough space to lie down or sit with your back supported.

You can perform these presses from the comfort of your couch or even on the floor, depending on your available space.

Dumbbell presses are highly effective at targeting your upper body, and because they rely on free weights, they also engage your stabilizer muscles, contributing to overall balance and strength.

Goblet Squats with a Kettlebell

Squats are one of the most efficient exercises for strengthening your lower body, and adding a kettlebell takes it to the next level. By holding the kettlebell at chest height as you squat, you increase the intensity, engaging not only your legs but also your core and upper body.

Goblet squats are particularly great for small spaces since you don’t need much more than the space to stand and move your legs.

They help build strength in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes while also improving mobility and posture.

The beauty of these exercises lies in their simplicity. Not only do they require minimal equipment, but they are also scalable—you can easily adjust the resistance or weight to match your fitness level.

As you progress, you can increase the difficulty by using heavier weights or stronger resistance bands, all without the need for bulky machines.

These exercises can be done practically anywhere in your home, whether it’s your living room, bedroom, or even on a balcony if you have one.

Strength training in a compact space is all about creativity and resourcefulness. With the right tools and a little bit of planning, you can work out effectively and build muscle right in the comfort of your condo.

Remember, it’s not about having a full gym at your disposal, but about making the most of the equipment and space you have.

Tools at Home to Use for Exercising from Home

Exercising from home has never been more accessible, especially with the variety of tools available that can easily fit into your everyday living space. Whether you’re in a small apartment or a more spacious home, you don’t need a full gym setup to get a great workout.

Many simple and affordable tools can help you maintain or even elevate your fitness level right from the comfort of your living room, bedroom, or even your kitchen!

Here’s a guide to some of the best home exercise tools that can fit seamlessly into your workout routine:

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are one of the most versatile tools you can use at home. Lightweight, portable, and easy to store, these stretchy bands come in various resistance levels, making them suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike.

They can be used to target virtually every muscle group, from your arms and shoulders to your legs and glutes. The beauty of resistance bands is their adaptability—you can loop them around a sturdy object or use them as standalone equipment for moves like squats, lunges, or rows.

Plus, they add variable resistance throughout the entire range of motion, making your muscles work harder.

Exercise to Try: Standing Resistance Band Press – Anchor the band behind you, either around a sturdy object or held by a partner, and press forward to work your chest and triceps. Adjust the resistance level by stepping closer or farther from the anchor point.


Dumbbells are a classic, versatile tool that can add resistance to your workouts without taking up too much space. Available in a wide range of weights, dumbbells can be used for countless exercises targeting different parts of your body.

Whether you’re performing squats, lunges, bicep curls, or shoulder presses, dumbbells allow you to progressively overload your muscles to build strength.

A compact set of adjustable dumbbells can be a space-saving solution, giving you various weight options in one small footprint.

Exercise to Try: Dumbbell Goblet Squat – Hold a dumbbell close to your chest with both hands and perform a squat. This exercise strengthens your lower body while also engaging your core and upper body for stabilization.

Yoga Mat

A good quality yoga mat is essential for providing a comfortable surface for floor exercises and stretching routines.

Whether you’re practicing yoga, doing bodyweight exercises like push-ups and planks, or simply stretching out after a workout, a yoga mat offers the right balance of cushioning and support.

Not only does it make your exercises more comfortable, but it also provides traction to prevent slipping during dynamic movements.

Exercise to Try: Plank – Place your forearms on the mat and extend your legs behind you, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels. Planks are an excellent way to engage your core, shoulders, and glutes.

Stability Ball (Swiss Ball)

A stability ball, or Swiss ball, is a fantastic addition to your home gym setup, providing a fun way to improve core strength, balance, and flexibility. This inflatable ball can be used for a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups, particularly your core.

Stability balls are excellent for exercises like crunches, leg curls, or even just sitting on while you work at your desk to engage your core throughout the day.

Exercise to Try: Ball Pass – Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead holding the stability ball and your legs straight out. Lift both your arms and legs simultaneously, passing the ball from your hands to your feet, and lower them back down. This move strengthens your core and improves coordination.


Kettlebells are excellent for dynamic, full-body exercises that combine strength and cardio in one workout. Their unique design allows you to swing, lift, and press in ways that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, offering an intense and effective workout.

Kettlebells are ideal for functional movements like swings, snatches, and cleans, which not only build muscle but also improve coordination and cardiovascular endurance.

Exercise to Try: Kettlebell Swing – Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the kettlebell with both hands. Bend your knees slightly and hinge at your hips to swing the kettlebell between your legs. Then, drive through your hips to bring the kettlebell up to shoulder height.

This exercise targets your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back while also providing a cardio boost.

Foam Roller

A foam roller is an invaluable tool for post-workout recovery. It helps to alleviate muscle soreness, improve flexibility, and increase blood flow to muscles after a tough workout.

Foam rolling can be used to target specific areas like your calves, quads, and back, relieving tension and promoting faster recovery.

Using a foam roller regularly can help prevent injury by maintaining healthy, flexible muscles and improving range of motion.

Exercise to Try: Quad Roll-Out – Lie face down with the foam roller under your thighs. Use your arms to support your upper body while rolling the foam roller from your hips to your knees, focusing on any tight areas. Foam rolling your quads after lower body workouts can help reduce stiffness and improve recovery.

Jump Rope

A jump rope is one of the most affordable and effective cardio tools you can have at home. Not only does jumping rope improve cardiovascular health, but it also engages multiple muscle groups, including your legs, core, and shoulders.

It’s perfect for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or simply adding a fun, heart-pumping activity to your workout routine. Jump ropes are lightweight, compact, and easy to store, making them ideal for small spaces.

Exercise to Try: Jump Rope Intervals – Jump rope for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of rest. Repeat for 5-10 rounds for a quick and efficient cardio workout.

Chairs and Furniture

Don’t overlook everyday furniture as useful workout tools. A sturdy chair, for instance, can be used for exercises like tricep dips, step-ups, or Bulgarian split squats.

Your couch or bed can serve as a support for exercises like elevated push-ups or hip thrusts.

Furniture workouts are an excellent way to get creative with your routine without needing additional equipment.

Exercise to Try: Chair Tricep Dips – Sit on the edge of a chair, place your hands on the edge beside your hips, and slide your hips off the chair, lowering your body toward the floor. Push through your palms to lift yourself back up, working your triceps and shoulders.


Never underestimate the power of bodyweight exercises. With no equipment needed, your own body can be the ultimate tool for resistance training.

Exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and burpees can give you a full-body workout without any additional tools.

Bodyweight exercises are also incredibly versatile, allowing you to adjust the difficulty level by adding variations or increasing repetitions.

Exercise to Try: Push-Up to Side Plank – Perform a standard push-up, then rotate into a side plank, extending one arm toward the ceiling. Return to the push-up position and repeat on the other side. This exercise engages your chest, shoulders, core, and obliques.

Creating an effective workout routine at home is easier than ever with the right tools. Whether you opt for resistance bands, dumbbells, or even just your bodyweight, there are countless ways to stay active and build strength without a gym membership.

By incorporating these compact, space-friendly tools into your home workout regimen, you can stay fit, healthy, and motivated, all within the comfort of your own home.

Your Practical Compact Space Condo with Asterra

Asterra provides you with the ideal blend of comfort and convenience.

Living in a condo like Asterra provides you with the ideal blend of comfort and convenience, allowing you to maintain an active lifestyle without compromising on space. Asterra’s thoughtfully designed units make the most out of compact living, with functionality at the core of its design philosophy.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or someone just starting out on their health journey, you’ll find that Asterra’s practical home solutions make it easy to stay fit.

With smart storage systems and multi-purpose furniture, such as foldable workout benches or equipment that can be tucked away, you can effortlessly create a workout-friendly environment within your living space.

Whether it’s a yoga mat in the living room or resistance bands hanging by the door, Asterra offers the flexibility you need for small-space exercises. No need for bulky equipment that clutters your home—just simple, effective tools to keep you moving.

Additionally, many Asterra communities boast wellness-enhancing amenities such as fitness gyms, swimming pools, and open-air spaces like jogging paths and gardens. These outdoor spaces provide a refreshing extension to your exercise routine, allowing you to enjoy a mix of indoor and outdoor activities.

Whether you’re stretching in the comfort of your living room or jogging in the scenic surroundings, Asterra ensures that maintaining your fitness regime is as easy and enjoyable as possible. The convenience of these amenities just outside your doorstep means your healthy lifestyle seamlessly integrates into your daily routine.

Living in a small space

Living in a small space doesn’t have to limit your ability to achieve your fitness goals. In fact, with a bit of creativity, your compact condo can become a powerful tool in your fitness journey.

There are countless small-space workout routines designed to fit within the confines of any room, from effective bodyweight exercises to strength training routines that require minimal equipment.

Whether it’s working on your core, building muscle, or increasing flexibility, a compact living area can offer more than enough space to challenge your body.

Don’t let the size of your home dictate the size of your dreams. With a practical, well-designed condo like Asterra, your living space transforms into a wellness hub. From the privacy of your home to the well-planned outdoor amenities, Asterra makes it easy to strike a balance between comfort and fitness.

By using functional furniture, smart layouts, and taking advantage of the community’s facilities, you can stay motivated and keep pushing toward your health goals—no matter the square footage.

Remember, it’s not about the space you have, but how you use it. Whether it’s a full-body workout or targeting specific muscle groups, small spaces can foster big results.

So, keep moving, embrace the lifestyle that Asterra supports, and take pride in making the most of your compact living space. With Asterra, you don’t just live—you thrive, in a home that’s perfectly suited to your dynamic, health-conscious lifestyle.

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