Home Living

Artist at home

A Creative Space for Artists at Home

It is a rewarding endeavor to research and create a home that promotes artistic expression and creates an inspiring creative space for artists. Artists thrive in environments that stimulate their creativity and allow them to fully immerse themselves in their craft. For artists to take full advantage of their potential and produce the best works, it is critical that they have a dedicated creative space at...

Intergenerational Living: Spaces for Aging Parents and Adult Children

A multigenerational house is frequently simply the place where a person already resides. Many families of all ages decide to live together at some point for a variety of reasons. And doing so is extremely typical in many regions of the world. This frequently occurs in a different residence on the same home site that is referred to as a casita, secondary suite, in-law residence, or warmly as a granny...

Living with a friend article thumbnail

Living alone or living with a friend? The Pros and Cons of it all

Do you prefer the independence that comes with living alone or the company that comes with living with a friend? This is a crucial decision to make because it might have financial and emotional consequences. Living alone can be a great experience, but it also has its downsides. Choosing whether to live alone or with a buddy is a huge decision with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some...

Food shelf life

Lessening Food Waste Through Prolonged Shelf Life

Many fruits, fish, meats, bread, and vegetables are being put to waste if not stored and organized properly in our pantries, shelves, and kitchen racks. Each year, it has been recorded that 4.3 million of food are wasted. We should be alarmed with this kind of news, as there are so many people all throughout the globe are starving in which there's no food for them to eat. Food waste do not only...

Enjoying summer at home

Free summer vacation with Condo Amenities

The Philippines is a tropical archipelago, and summer is one of the best times to travel there. A great occasion to look forward to is waking up in your room knowing that you are free from regular responsibilities and work duties only to enjoy the intense heat of the sun. As we enjoy our first swims, barbecue nights, and even the common nighttime storytelling at this time of year, warm weather is...

Maximalist interior design

Go against the norm! Incorporate maximalism style in your condo

The maximalist decor trend is all about appreciating excess. Consider a lot of vibrant colors, a lot of pattern, and a lot of textured features. While 'more is more,' the present trend for maximalist design doesn't imply mess. Consider your environment to be a well organized Aladdin's cave of treasures, with each object on exhibit more fascinating than the previous. Don't confuse being a maximalist...

Sustainable talk

Sustainability talk: What does it mean to be truly sustainable?

Over the past few years, sustainability has developed as an important idea in a variety of sectors, and the real estate industry is no exception to this phenomenon. Incorporating environmentally conscious company procedures into the process of developing real estate has become necessary in light of the expanding concerns over environmental deterioration and the requirement to find solutions to the problem...

Sofa furniture

Convertible furniture: Maximizing small spaces

One of the most crucial components of a well-designed home is an adaptable living area. Convertible furniture is becoming increasingly popular as the world continues to shrink living spaces. When it comes to maximizing your space, convertible furniture can be a game-changer. It makes it simple to convert your living room or bedroom into a home office or guest room. It also gives you greater versatility,...

Rattan Products

Supporting Filipino Businesses: Locally made furnitures you should buy

The Philippines is a biodiverse country with "between 70% and 80% of the world's plant and animal species." Thanks to this, our Filipino artisans have access to a wide range of raw materials to make furniture, clothing, jewelry, and more. Popular natural resources that are commonly used are wood from narra trees, rattan, bamboo, and other fibers. The art of woodworking is a highly valued skill in the...

Playing instrument at home

Quiet instruments you can play in your condo

Condominium living demands mindful, pleasing living conditions, taking into account noise-sensitive areas and respectful neighbors. To ensure satisfaction, use simple instruments and keep an enjoyable environment. Musical instruments you can learn in your condo without bothering your neighbors: Living in a condo often requires consideration for noise levels, especially when playing musical...

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