Home Living

Green Living

Greener buildings on the rise: How Asterra is promoting the green lifestyle?

With the increasing awareness of the impact of human activities on the environment, more and more people are looking for sustainable living options.  As a result, real estate developers are responding to this trend by incorporating eco-friendly features into their buildings. In this blog post, we'll explore how promoting a green lifestyle at Asterra to its residents and implementing sustainable...

Post-pandemic article thumbnail

The Post-Covid Philippines: Negative and Positive Impacts

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major influence on the Philippines, affecting many elements of society, including public health, public transportation, the economy, skills development and social welfare. Positive impacts that the Covid-19 brought to the Philippines Here are some of the good and negative effects of the pandemic on communities across the country: Health infrastructure...

Leak at home

Condos and Flooding: What to Look for, Avoid, and Do If It Happens

The days with clouds and thunderstorms are happening increasingly frequently, sometimes even every single day. The month of June is drawing near, which means that the wet season will soon begin. This is the time of year when water from above (heavy rains) and below (floods) will put the structural soundness of human buildings to the ultimate test. Condominiums, particularly those that have been...

Purifier vs Dehumidifier

Difference between air purifiers and dehumidifiers

The fundamental distinction between an air purifier and a humidifier is that air purifiers are designed to eliminate allergens, dust, mold, and odors from the air while humidifiers are designed to moisten the air. Air humidifiers, on the other hand, adjust the excessive moisture in a space but have no effect on the air quality or particle count. An air purifier is designed to eliminate a variety of...

power outage activities

7 Fun Activities You Can Do When There’s a Power Outage in Your Condo

Are you experiencing a power outage in your condo and wondering how to make the most of the situation? While losing electricity can be inconvenient, it does not mean you have to sit in the dark and feel bored. In fact, a power outage can present a unique opportunity to engage in fun and enjoyable activities with your family members and friends without having to rely on electricity. It is no secret that...

smart gadgets for sustainability

7 Eco-friendly house gadgets to help work towards sustainability

In recent years, there has been an increasing worry about the environmental impact of human activities. We are all faced with the enormous problem of reducing our carbon footprints. However, it is one that we must confront if we are to leave a livable planet for future generations. As a result, many people are seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to sustainability. Making little...

purified air

Air purifiers and dehumidifiers at its finest

As we are experiencing the changes that occurs when warm and dry season it just around the corner, it is really important that we have our own air conditioners at home. Using a humidifier indoors during the summer months is an excellent idea not only to keep the air cool and properly dampened, but also to help reduce symptoms of seasonal allergies, which can be terrible in the summer. Humidifiers can...

orgnanized fridge

Tips in organizing your fridge and freezer

Have you been walking through the fridge trying to find that final piece of pizza or jar of pickles purchased last week? You are often throwing away expired or spoiled food because it's lost at the bottom of the refrigerator? You are not alone if you answer yes to either of those questions. Many of us have trouble keeping our fridge organized, which can lead to wasted food, money, and time. As our...

Suburb living

Misconceptions About Suburban Living in the Philippines

The Philippines is a beautiful country made up of thousands of islands, each with its own communities and unique cultures. Locals and visitors alike can attest to the kindness of the people, the delicious home-cooked quality of the food, and the beauty and proximity to nature. Suburban living in the Philippines is different from city to city; when you compare cities in Metro Manila to those in Cebu or...

beat the summer heat

Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

The Philippines is known for its tropical climate, and with the arrival of summer, the heat can become quite intense. The sweltering summer heat can take a toll on our bodies and make daily life uncomfortable. However, there are effective ways to beat the summer heat and stay cool and comfortable, whether you're out and about or relaxing at home. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips...

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