Home Living

Wall Floral Mural

Techniques for Painting Wall Murals: Preparing, Painting, and Sealing—Art is Fun

If you're looking to add a pop of color and personality to your home or workspace, a wall mural may be just the solution you need. But the idea of creating a mural can be daunting, especially if you're not an experienced artist. That's why we've put together this guide to help you learn about the mural techniques and steps involved in creating a stunning wall mural. From preparation to painting and...

electric fan for the summer

Ways to beat the summer heat in your condo units without bumping up your electricity bill!

Say goodbye to the rainy days and let us all welcome the Summer season as it has already arrived in the Philippines! It is now the time for family outings, reunions, get together with friends, beach trips and all the summer escapade. Summer is definitely one of the season that Filipinos always looking and waiting for as they have planned on where to go on their summer vacations and achieved the summer...

Induction cooker for condo

Essential condo appliances you should have

Living in a condo often entails limited square footage, making it convenient yet challenging, especially when it comes to choosing the right appliances to make your life easier. With a plethora of options available in the market, it can be difficult to determine which appliances are essential and which ones are not. From kitchen to laundry machines and energy saving to space-saving designs, there are a...

City vs Suburbs Article Thumbnail

Suburban life: A Glimpse at What it’s Like

Buying a home can be one of the greatest experiences that a person can have in his or her lifetime. Given a lot of modern-day living options, still, it can be somewhat overwhelming. Regardless of your decision, location remains the most important factor. It is a well-stablished fact that when it comes to purchasing a house, the location of the residence is the most important factor. Convenience as well...


DIY Home Decor Ideas for Your Condo Unit

It may be challenging to make a tiny place seem like home, particularly if your décor choices are restricted by homeowner's association restrictions or by legislation enacted by the building's developer. In addition to this, there's usually not a lot you can do to alter the building's structure, and you have to make do with less space than you'd like. Whether the problem is unsightly radiators or...


8 Ways to Save Energy for Condo Owners

In the Philippines, your power bill is likely to be the single greatest drain on your money. After all, this region has some of Asia's highest interest rates. It never seems to stop rising, and it may become so high that you might contemplate trashing one or more of your condominium appliances simply to get the bill to stop climbing. Yet, this is a quite drastic measure to take, and there are probably...


2023 Best Smart Home Devices for your Condo Unit

There will be no turning back from the rise of an affordable "smart home" condominium like Asterra, and the most effective smart home gadgets will only improve in usability and cost-effectiveness over time. It's tempting to give in to a solution that promises to permanently improve your quality of life by making a number of tasks you regularly do much faster and simpler, and maybe even saving you some...


Tips on Remodeling Your Condo Kitchen this 2023

These days, condominiums are becoming more popular as people's housing preferences change. Condos are a popular housing option because of their convenient proximity to public transportation, shops, and dining. As more and more individuals are showing an interest in condo living, more and more condo complexes are also being constructed, and one of the newest condominium complexes available now in the...

home scents

Get Rid of Odors in Your Condo Using Air Fresheners

Odors are an inevitable part of every homeowner's life, regardless of whether you cook at home, own a pet, use candles, etc.– everything has a unique scent that has the potential to last if not remedied in some way. A quick fix for unwanted scents is to invest in air fresheners or candles to mask odors from lingering smells. This article will go into more about why these scents occur and what we...

Ambibent lights

Ambient light fixtures for your condo unit

A well-lighted place definitely constitutes to a more appealing and aesthetically pleasing house or condo. Properly adjusting and fixing the lights is the overall goal in in order to have a well-lighted living space. Light fixture is definitely the answer in the task lighting and creating a perfect balance of light inside your home. Ambient lighting also refers to as the general lighting is the overall...

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